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Stop Leakages. Grow Revenues. Transform Institutions. Change Lives.

Hubtel for Government is the most agile platform with custom-built features to help public institutions modernize how citizens connect and pay for services.
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A Truly Transformative Platform

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Eliminate cash transactions and prevent revenue leakage
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Make it easier for citizens to pay for services
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Increase revenue by reaching a wider audience
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Streamline processes, improve customer service, and make better decisions
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Change lives by making it easier for citizens to access essential services

Stop Leakages

Hubtel for Government's robust and scalable payment platform can help you eliminate cash transactions and prevent revenue leakage. By connecting your revenue collection systems directly to the national banking systems, you can be sure that every pesewa is accounted for and settled directly to your bank accounts

Grow Revenues

Increase your revenue by making it easier for citizens and customers to pay for services. Work with us to custom-build your user experience into an easy-to-use service accessible to everyone, so you can reach a wider audience and collect more payments.
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Transform Your Institution

Streamline your processes, improve customer service, and make better decisions by turning your organization into a more efficient and modern business complete with new user experiences that your citizens and customers will love.
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Change Lives

Make it easier for citizens, residents, and customers to access essential public services anytime, anywhere. This can help you reduce poverty, improve lifestyles, enhance citizen happiness, and promote economic growth.

Make it super easy for citizens to access and pay for government services

Take away the hard work of queuing at specific banks and reconciling payments. Receive payments via mobile money, cash deposit at any bank branch across Ghana.
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